Podpora :: RAR Support

2005-05-25 11:04:17
kodovani souboru
Vzorek spatne zakodovaneho souboru: http://www.smart-sw.com/download/test_2005-05-06_00-34-57.zip (asi 750B)
2005-06-04 19:06:12
Re: kodovani souboru
Jeste jednou jsem se pokousel presvedcit Roshala, ze kdyz WinZIP ty unicode nazvy do archivu vklada, at je WinRAR zobrazuje. Ale pry na to fakt neni zadny standard:

You can check the latest ZIP format specification here: http://www.pkware.com/company/standards/appnote/appnote.txt

It mentions Unicode two times. First, a header "Reserved for future Unicode file name data", not implemented yet. Second, a third party "Xceed unicode extra field", proprietary, not documented, not a part of ZIP format core.